Pay Attention…Are You Tired Of Fad Diets And Exercise Plans That Are Expensive And Just Don’t Seem To Work?

Are You Tired Of Fad Diets And Exercise Plans That Are 
Expensive And Just Don’t Seem To Work?

Pay Attention… Because You’re About To Discover A Complete Training Guide For Building Functional Strength…

No Crash Dieting
You don’t need to spend a fortune on gym memberships or equipment
Become stronger and healthier today!
Dear Friend,
Have you ever tried a popular fitness plan or diet to lose weight or get into better shape? How did it go?
Did you achieve your goals?
Unfortunately, most people fail when it comes health and fitness fads that promise easy weight loss, fast muscle-building, and looking better in your clothes.

The Truth About
Fad Diets…

The reason that most diets and fitness fads fail to “work” is because they focus on training for the wrong goal… They’re all about looking good… not getting healthy and stronger.
Although looking better in the mirror can be a nice side-effect of training, it should never be your primary focus.
That’s what Functional Strength is all about.
It’s about building strength that you can use. With functional strength training, you’re not trying to look strong or look healthy… You are striving to BECOME truly strong and truly healthy…
…and sure, you may look a little better in the mirror, but that is NOT the main focus.
A good example of this is the type of training that an Olympic cyclist would go through compared to your average “gym rat.” The bros at the gym spend most of their time isolating muscles and doing certain exercise to look better in the mirror…
While, an Olympic cyclist only focuses on building strength that she needs to perform better while riding her bike. Of course, this makes her healthier, and she likely looks better in the mirror, but the focus is building REAL strength and REAL health.
Make sense?

And, Here’s The REALLY Good News…

Most people think a fitness plan involves eating small amounts of tasteless foods, going to the gym every single day, and investing in expensive exercise equipment and accessories…
…this is pretty much the “norm” for fad diets and people that are trying to appeal to the “mirror on the wall.”
But you don’t have to do any of that with functional strength training…
I got tired of people thinking they needed to eat next to nothing and spend a fortune on exercise equipment, so I put together the ultimate guide on getting healthy and strong… the right way!
When I started to put these steps into practice the results blew me away. I’m not kidding! It was all to do with following a well laid out plan that anyone can follow – and I mean anyone. My list grew by leaps and bounds and I began to see results and more results!
Are you in the middle of the nightmare of spending all your free time slaving away on something only to discover that you have wasted your time?


The Functional Strength Guide…

This Is A Complete Training Guide For Building 
Functional Strength That Covers…

Functional Training Methods
The Tools That 
You’ll Need
The Techniques You 
Will Use To Train
Stretching And Other 
Ways To Prevent Injury
Diet Strategies
Crossfit, Kettlebells, And Other Effective Methods Of Strength Training
Bodyweight Training
AAnd A Whole Lot More…

Here’s Just Some Of What
You’ll Learn Inside…

  • How to get started regardless of what kind of shape you’re in today… This guide will give you EVERYTHING you need to build functional strength, even if you’ve never stepped foot into a gym in your life.
  • Why functional strength will result in healthier, longer lasting results than any fad diets or fitness programs that focus on appearance.
  • The difference between training for strength and training for size, and which one you should be focusing on…
  • The 7 primal movements that are crucial to building functional strength are revealed…
  • Why compound movements and big lifts are crucial to functional strength and how to do them…
  • Why ____________ __________________ is more effective for reducing your body fat percentage than running…
  • 7 Step-by-step compound movements covered in depth that you can start using to build functional strength today!
  • The right way to stretch to prevent energy and increase the effectiveness of your training… (most people do this ALL wrong)
  • Why everyone should be doing ______________... This fun and relaxing activity will quickly increase flexibility and mobility…
  • The most important functional strength training tools and how to use them…. (Kettlebells, Indian Club Training, Barefoot Running, and TRX)
  • The simple gymnastic equipment you can buy instead of TRX that works just as well and will save you $200… Chapter 5 reveals something that everyone has that they use instead of weight… and in many cases, this is actually far more effective than any exercise equipment you could buy…
  • Why grip strength is the cornerstone to any functional strength training program and how to improve yours… regardless of how strong or weak you are right now…
  • Why going for a run or a jog is not the most effective way to get fit and gain strength… you’ll discover a step-by-step training method that is more effective at burning fat and more useful for general life…
  • You’ve probably heard of CrossFit… What CrossFit is all about… why it’s controversial, and whether or not you should consider adding it to your functional strength training plan..
  • In ins and outs of a lesser-known training program called Movnat, and why you might want to pay close attention to it…
  • Stop failing at your diet plans… Why ditching the ice cream and cake for good might actually be ruining your chance at diet success… The diet that’s taught inside this program is easy to follow, and effective…
  • In Chapter 11, you’ll get a step-by-step approach to creating a useful training program that will guarantee you meet your goals without burnout and stress… Strength training can be fun when you do it the RIGHT WAY… the functional strength way…

Who Should Get This?

If you answer YES to any of the below, you need this…
  • You’ve tried diets and fitness plans in the past and struggled to “stick with the program”
  • You value health over “looking good”
  • You want to make a positive change in your health and strength
  • You plan a sport or a do an activity that could benefit from strength training
  • You’ve got some weight you could lose, and you want to do it the right way… and keep it off
  • You’re interested in CrossFit, Kettlebells, Movnat, or other strength training programs

“This Sounds Like What I Need… 
How Much?

Unlike fitness equipment, expensive diet supplements, gym memberships and training that can quickly cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars, you won’t be spending that kind of money today…
This guide to functional strength training is the next best thing to having your own private trainer, but at a fraction of the cost…
The normal every day price for this step-by-step guide to functional strength is $97…
But, for a limited time, I’ve slashed the price...
Today, you can get INSTANT ACCESS for just $29.95!

And it just keeps getting better…

When You Make The Wise Decision To Grab This Today, 
You’ll Also Get These Fast Action Bonuses…

Fast Action Bonus #1 – Functional Strength Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet is a handy checklist that makes it easy to get started and begin building strength, the right way. 

It breaks up the entire guide into easy-to-follow steps so that you can make sure you have all the highlights of your strength training plan right at your fingertips. This makes it easy to track your progress and stay focused every step of the way.
(Valued at $27)

Fast Action Bonus #2 – Functional Strength Mind Map

Some people learn better by looking at a mind map. This mind map gives you an overview of everything covered inside the Functional Strength Guide. You can also print it out for quick reference any time you need it!
(Valued at $17)

Fast Action Bonus #3 – Functional Strength Resource Guide

The Resource Guide gives you a quick point of reference to all of the resources mentioned throughout the training.
This makes it easy to stick with your strength training plan and get results.
(Valued at $17)

Fast Action Bonus #4 – Functional Strength Infographic

If you’re the type of person that like to look at how something is done, we’re including a professionally designed strength training infographic. It’s nice to look at AND it will make your strength training much easier…
(Valued at $37)

Try The Functional Strength Guide On MY DIME… 
There’s No Risk!

I get it.
I know you’re probably skeptical…
Let’s face it, everywhere you turn, someone is trying to peddle their fad diet or exercise plan, claiming it’s the solution that you’ve been looking for…
I can keep telling you just how great the Functional Strength Guide is, but you really need to go through it and see for yourself what’s it all about to know if it’s for you…
That’s why I’m going to give you a FULL 30 days to decide…
If for any reason, or no reason at all, you’re not 100% satisfied with what’s inside, simply send me an email, and I’ll refund every penny of your tiny investment…
No questions asked!
Click The Buy Button Now To Lock-In Your Discount 
Thank you so much for taking the time to take a look at this extremely limited offer that will improve your body… forever.
I hope to see you on the inside!
Daniel London

PS – I’ve compiled some of the most frequently asked questions about the Functional Strength Guide…

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is this all about?
A. This is all about turning away from fad diets and fitness programs that just don’t work. This is about building real strength… strength that you can use. It’s about training, the healthy way… not to please a “mirror.”
Sure, if you follow what’s inside, you WILL gain muscle, lose weight, and look better, but again, this about building real health and FUNCTIONAL strength.
Q. What If I’m not in good shape now… can I do this?
A. Not a problem. The great thing about this Functional Strength Guide is that you don’t need to be in any certain condition to follow what’s inside and see results. There’s something for everyone.
Q. Do I have to follow a boring diet?
A. No. The diet recommended inside the guide is actually very easy to follow and delicious. It’s also pretty liberal. If fact, I encourage you to not go cold turkey and stop eating all of your favorite treats at once… That’s why people FAIL at diets. They try to quit cold turkey, get bored, and then completely relapse to eating junk food.
Q. How long until I see results?
A. You can begin noticing an increase in flexibility, energy, and strength within days of getting started, although this is intended to show you a new way of life. This isn’t a crash diet or something you do for just a few days or weeks.
Q. How much do I have to invest in equipment?
A. Although I do give you some inexpensive recommendations inside, you don’t have to spend a dime on equipment if you don’t want to.
Q. Do I need a personal trainer?
A. No. In fact, this guide is about as close as it gets for a fraction of the price…
Q. How is this guide delivered?
A. You’ll get instant access to a PDF version of this guide along with download links for the rest of the bonuses. There’s no waiting… You can get started RIGHT NOW.
Q. How much?
A. Although this normally sells for $97, I’ve slashed the price and I’m letting this go for just $29.95.
Q. Is there a guarantee?
A. You bet. You get a full 30 days to make sure this is for you. If for any reason, or no reason at all, you’re not 100% satisfied, simply send me an email, and I’ll refund every penny of your tiny investment…
No questions asked!
Q. How do I get started today?
To get started today, click the link below now for INSTANT ACCESS…


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