Here are the best chocolate and cocoa recipes available!

Have you ever ate the best chocolate cake but didn't know how to make one on your own? Here are the best chocolate and cocoa recipes available!

Dear Fellow Chocolate Lover:
I admit it! I confess! I am a chocoholic. Put any kind of chocolate in front of me and I simply cannot resist. If you feel the same way and simply cannot get enough of that rich, chocolaty goodness then there’s a new e-book that was written just for you.
I don’t remember a time in my life when I haven’t loved chocolate. You name it: chocolate cake, chocolate pie, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate fudge, chocolate pudding, chocolate fondue…if it has chocolate in it I love it.
In fact, over the years I have collected tons of cookbooks just for the chocolate recipes. The only problem is that I was beginning to run out of room on my cookbook shelf for all those books. Even worse, I never could remember which cookbook contained the recipe I wanted whenever I got ready to make one of my favorite chocolate dishes.
I tried the sticky note method, but then I had what seemed like hundreds of little pieces of paper sticking out of my cookbooks and it still didn’t help me any. I couldn’t find my favorite chocolate recipes when I needed them! Something had to be done!
I realized that if I just had one central location for all of my chocolate recipes, my life would be much simpler. I could find my favorite recipes easily and quickly without having to thumb through dozens of cookbooks. I considered copying down all of my favorite recipes onto index cards and placing them a recipe file box, but them it occurred to me that perhaps that wouldn’t be the best way to handle it. That would be a lot of writing by hand and I would have to stay on top of keeping the cards filed correctly or else I would still have problems finding the right recipe when I needed it.
That’s when I decided to type up all my favorite chocolate recipes and organize them categorically. It took me awhile to get them all typed up and organized just right, but when I was done I was simply amazed.
“I couldn’t way to step into my kitchen and whip up something rich and decadent!”
To say that I had fun with my newly organized chocolate recipes would be an understatement. Suddenly, it was so much easier than ever to put my fingers on exactly the recipe I wanted when I needed it. No more flipping through multiple cookbooks. No more trying to remember if I recipe was under the Cakes section or Desserts section. It was all right there, nice and handy.
“Suddenly I couldn’t stop baking!”
I began to bake up a storm. Cookies. Pies. Cakes. Candy. I even mixed up specialty chocolate drinks for my friends when they came to visit. It was as easy as 1,2,3 because I could grab the recipes I wanted when I needed them. My friends were absolutely amazed. Of course, they had known what a chocolate addict I was for a long time. Most of them even teased me about it mercilessly.
At first, they thought it was funny that I had gone to so much trouble to organize all of my chocolate recipes. That is, until they realized how handy it is to have all of them in one central place. Then they began to ask for copies of my recipe collection.
“That’s when I realized I was onto something.”
Why not offer my chocolate recipe collection to others and make their life a little easier too? And while I was at it why not share my extensive knowledge about chocolate and how it came to be such a delicious and decadent treat in the first place?
If you want to learn how to enjoy the rich, velvety taste of chocolate even more than ever, or if you love create decadent chocolate creations to share with friends and family, or if you want to learn more about how chocolate can actually be healthy for you, then this book is for you. 
Introducing ...
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes!
While most cookbooks on the subject of cooking with chocolate claim to be the ultimate resource on the subject, they actually make it much harder to create chocolate delicacies than it actually needs to be.
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes not only show you how to create delicious chocolate cake, cookie and pie recipes but it also teaches you the secrets behind making scrumptious chocolate home made candy recipes. Written in an easy to understand style, with no difficult or complicated instructions; Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes provides a wide variety of mouth watering recipes that are very simple to do-even if you’re a beginner.
Take a look at this sneak peak at what you’ll discover in Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes …
• A spectacular array of chocolate recipes: everything from light and airy to dark and delicious. These are the perfect recipes to comfort you on a bad day as well as share with friends and family. Looking for a sophisticated dessert for that perfect evening? You’ll be sure to find just the right recipe here.
• Easy recipes to create chocolate caramels, chocolate éclairs and chocolate jelly. Only you will know how simple they really are to create.
• Why chocolate is actually healthy for you! Dispell all of those old myths when you learn the secrets behind the reason why chocolate can actually help to aid digestion…and much more!
• The secret to making exceptional hot fudge sauce...
• And much, much more!
As you can see there’s a ton of delicious, mouth watering and exciting information about chocolate in Chocolate, Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes. It’s jam packed with everything you need to know to create wonderful chocolate creations for every occasion.
Whether you’re just starting out or you are an experienced cook, the recipes in Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes are perfect!

You get everything you need to satisfy your passion for chocolate in Chocolate and Cocoa
Recipes. Just take a look:
Chocolate Biscuit

Cinderella Cakes

Chocolate Profiteroles

Chocolate Blanc-mange

Genesee Bonbons

Cocoa Buns

Chocolate Nougat Cake

Chocolate Cream Candy

Chocolate Macaroons

Cocoa Frappé

Chocolate Hearts

Petits Four

Spanish Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Dipped Fruit Fudge


Chocolate Molasses Kisses
And there’s even more!!!!!!!!!!
Order right now and you can be satisfying your passion for chocolate in less than five minutes!
Because Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes is in Adobe PDF format, you can download it instantly on your computer. Read, it print it out, both…whichever works best for you. In no time at all you can satisfy your passion for chocolate and amaze your friends with your ability to create deliciously decadent chocolate treats.
Okay, I’m sold, but what’s this incredible resource going to cost me?
When I first began to think about putting my chocolate recipes on the market, my first thought was to simply print it in a booklet format that I could drop in the mail. I realized; however, that method would seriously limit the number of people that I would be able to share this incredible resource with.
In addition, I would have to charge quite a bit to cover the printing costs. That’s not something I wanted to do. I wanted everyone to be able to enjoy my recipe collection for a reasonable price.
So, I decided to offer my incredible collection of chocolate recipes and facts in the form of an e-book. This would allow me to make it more widely available and I could also offer it for a lower price. So, you can now take advantage of Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes for only $37. 
I am so confident that you will love this special report that I am offering my ironclad:
100% Money Back Guarantee
Here’s How to Get Started:
Yes! I want to get started making Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes immediately! I know this is a limited time offer and may never be available again!!
Please send me Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes right away!
Special Offer - $37 for next 20 orders only!

I understand my purchase is completely protected by 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee. I have 60 days to test drive the techniques and strategies presented in Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and if I am not completely convinced that it is hands-down the best chocolate cookbook on the market, then I am entitled to a 100% refund of my purchase price. 
P.S. You’ll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to learn to make Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes. You won’t need to struggle through learning the secrets of successful chocolate recipes and homemade candy ever again when you take advantage of these amazing techniques.


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