Discover The Secrets To Insane Profits With
Highly -Targeted Mailing Lists That Run On Complete Auto Pilot!
Dear Marketer,
Is Your Online Business Floundering When It Comes To Getting People To Buy?
If you're struggling to create consistent streams of income in your business, you're part of a big club.
The fact is, there is a ton of competition when it comes to getting eyeballs on your offers whether they be your own or affiliate promotions.
Everyone is trying to generate as much traffic as possible which usually comes at an extremely high price.
The good news is that there's a way to generate traffic (and profit) on demand WITHOUT paying a dime.
Interested? Read on to find out how....
I'm going to be direct. There is so much hype floating around online about the next "great" product, service, or tactic that will "make you rich".
Many marketers have lost sight of one of the easiest, most powerful ways to cash in BIG TIME, over and over again.
The truth is, you can make money almost effortlessly, week after week and month after month, IF you know the real secrets to email marketing.
The truth is, you can make money almost effortlessly, week after week and month after month, IF you know the real secrets to email marketing.
I'm not talking about slapping together some pushy sales letters in a few emails and blasting them all over the Internet.
I mean understanding how to build your email list the right way with tons of hungry buyers and how to craft emails with offers so impossible to refuse that customers pull out their wallets even before they finish reading!
Building a targeted mailing list and then broadcasting promotional based messages to a confirmed audience of subscribers.
Make sense, right? You simply offer an opt-in incentive to potential subscribers to capture attention, add them to your list and start sending out advertisements and offers that they'll respond to.
Except, there's one small problem with this formula: For most people, it's a LOT easier said than done.
So while there's no disputing the fact that email marketing is a BILLION DOLLARindustry, the real question is..
How do you start collecting leads and recruiting ACTIVEsubscribers who will actually respond to your offers?
Before I answer that question, let's rewind things a bit because it might not even be apparent to you WHY you are losing money by not building a mailing list.
The truth is, when you first thought of building your online business, you probably never even considered a mailing list as part of your marketing arsenal, right? Don't feel bad, most of us don't.
We're far too busy creating our websites and trying to drill down into profitable niche markets so we can make a living online and maybe even quit our day jobs.
We need to stay one step ahead of our competition, and a mailing list just seems like too much work, or maybe something that can just be pushed back until we have 'more time'.
In other words, it's not exactly the most important component to a successful online business..
- or is it? ..
Here's the ugly truth about why you aren't making as much money as you should be..
You don't have a mailing list OR you don't have a TARGETED mailing list that you can instantly monetize!
Even if you spent less than 1/4 of your time building a responsive, targeted mailing list, you would instantly TRIPLE your online income AND you'd not only make MORE MONEY but you would instantly maximize your exposure all at the same time!
Bottom line: Building a responsive mailing list for your business IS one of the most important, and most easiest way to skyrocket your income and get more done - in less time.
Building a targeted mailing list for your online business will:
Helps you dig deep into the most profitable markets without spending a lot of time on market research! (you'll not only save time, you'll save money!)

Give you an
instant way to make money even without a product of your own!
Maximize your income instantly, while eliminating ALL advertising costs! You will have an active, ever-growing customer base right at your fingertips!
Build a recognized brand in virtually ANY market you choose in less time thanever before! (once you become an expert in your niche, the possibilities are endless!)
So if you aren't building a mailing list of targeted subscribers, you aren't just losing money every single day but you are HANDING IT OVER TO THE COMPETITION!
And worse, you are making things a lot harder on yourself than it has to be!
It's true.. Email marketing simplifies every single aspect associated to building and running a successful online business AND it will give you an immediate boost in income!
Do you want to spend every waking hour catering to your business, or do you want to exploit a proven strategy to automating your business and maximizing your profits virtually overnight?
Unless you start building your list, no matter how much time and money you put into marketing your business, you will NEVER come close to making as much money as you will with a targeted mailing list.
Think about how a targeted email list will help your online business, and you'll quickly discover just how much money you're leaving on the table.
If you had a responsive and active customer base right at your fingertips that you could email ANY TIME you want, imagine just how easy it would be to make more moneywith literally no work involved other than typing up an email and clicking the "SEND" button.
It just doesn't get better, easier or more profitable than this!
Email Profits Formula ($47.95 ... $29.95!)
The Email Profits Formula training will give you exactly what you need to learn a step-by-step system that would show you exactly how to create a list building machine that would attract thousands of highly targeted subscribers, all on complete auto pilot?
That's right.. once you have followed this system, as laid out in this training, you will have squeeze pages pulling in massive groups of hungry buyers and your back end sending out promotional emails that generate instant cash without you ever having to lift a finger again!
With This Training You Are Able To Start Profiting From Your Emails TODAY!
Do Not waste your time doing things the wrong way, see why this training is exactly what you need.
How you can create a massive email campaign by using existing material that is pre-written and ready to plug in!
The critical steps to building a highly effective squeeze page! This system will virtually guarantee a winning squeeze page, every single time!
A proven step by step strategy to instantly solidifying your place within your market by building confidence and brand awareness with your email list.
And Much More!
Professionally recorded video series
This complete video series will teach you everything you need to know about writing your own Response Pulling Emails...
Here's a break down on what you will learn in this video series:
Why Writing Responsive Emails Determines your list success
Did you know that "how" you write your promotional or content based emails is a large determining factor as to whether someone takes the necessary action to click a link or buy a product? In this video, you'll get a brief introduction of this video series, but most importantly the main concept as to how you can create a responsive email list.
There are several basic concepts you need to understand before you get started with writing your emails. You'll also learn what tools you must have, and how to understand the purpose of writing your emails beforehand. Brainstorming is one step most people tend to skip and by not planning ahead, you will decrease the conversion rate of your emails. So in this video, you'll learn how to brainstorm and plan ahead.
Different types of Promo Emails You Can Write
There is more than just one way way to write a promotional email. Did you know that if you know what type of email you are about to write ahead of time, you can write it a certain way to allow you to write easy to read and exciting emails.? In this video, you'll be shown several examples of real life and tested emails, so that you can get a better understanding of how you can write them yourself.
Mistakes to avoid when writing your promo emails
Most people tell you what you should do, but what about what you should NOT do? In this video, you'll be given a list of things you should avoid doing and of course, things you should not forget to do. By making these mistakes, they can often prevent your subscribers from taking the necessary action. This is taken from real life experience, so you can avoid the same mistakes we made.
Importance Of A Good Email Subject Line
The email subject line can often determine whether your subscriber will click the Delete, Spam, or Open button. Just like the beginning or heading of a sales page, you need to ensure that you have a good email subject line that creates curiosity. So you're goal is to get them to open the email, so your email body can do the job of getting them to take the certain action that you require. You will be shown how you can write good subject lines, and several examples of proven subject lines that can grab attention.
How to Format your Emails For Easier Reading
Writing copy is only half of the requirements. People do judge a book by it's cover, unfortunately. In this case, if your emails are not formatted correctly and it's hard to read, then you can forget about your subscribers reading your email. You'll be pointed to a free email formatting tool that you can use to make your emails look nicer.
Importance of a good Email Body
Once you've created a good subject line, and formatted your emails, your subscribers will hit your email body copy. This is the next step before getting your readers to take the necessary action. So writing good email body copy that incites curiosity and interest is important. You'll learn tips on getting your email read and understand how people will often respond to your writing style.
How to get your readers to take action
Great, now you've created an email that has got your subscribers attentions. But now you got to get them to take a specific action, whether it is to click a link, email you back, or whatever. You'll learn a few techniques on how to do this on also how to write the P.S., which is generally sums up your emails. The P.S. area is where a subscriber's eyes tend to go to, especially when they are scanning the email.
Email Profits Formula reveals every insider trick and strategy to maximizing your income with laser targeted mailing lists!
We're offering you a complete, step by step system that is so simple and effective that there's NO chance of failure!
Are you ready to REALLY Make money with your e-mail list?
As you now know, e-mail marketing effectively is important. You obviously see the extreme value in the Email Profits Formula training.
Sure, you could go spend a fortune attending some webinar or buying tons of books, courses and other information that won't show you everything Email Profits Formula training will.
Don't you deserve a course based on REAL testing and results?
You know that you do!
I knew when I created the Email Profits Formula training that it had to be different. I refused to create anything but information that's generated cold, hard cash.
I wanted you to be able to grab the training and get results as fast as possible without any testing which is why I suffered through years of failure testing! Best of all, you don't have to.
Email Profits Formula was created to provide you with a step by step formula to building high profit mailing lists quickly and easily.
I reveal every secret strategy that I know so that you can create insanely profitable email marketing campaigns, without any over complicated, confusing or time consuming learning curve involved.
In fact, I'm so confident that the this training will give you the tools and information you need to build profitable mailing lists, that I’m willing to offer you a 100% risk free, money back guarantee - no questions asked.
After going over the training and applying these straightforward, simple strategies, if you aren't satisfied with the information for ANY reason, I will gladly refund 100% of the money you paid.
This is yet another reason why you shouldn't pass up on this offer, and give yourself the opportunity to maximize your online income today!

YES! I understand that I will be getting access to 'Email Profits Formula' training straight after payment.
YES! I also understand that these are the videos that will help me take CONTROL of my email success and take it to the next level!
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YES! I also understand that if I'm not happy with the training or still can't make more money from using it, I can simply ask for a refund even 60 days from now!
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On that basis count me in! And, if, I'm not satisfied in any way, I'll receive full and courteous refund of my purchase price right away!
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To Your Success and Profits
P. S. There is absolutely no reason why you can't build your own highly profitable mailing list with this proven system to email marketing! I will show you how to instantly eliminate all of the time consuming work so you can focus on making MORE money in LESS time - guaranteed.
As long as you take action right now and quickly set up your email campaign following my step-by-step guide, you will eliminate any chance of losing additional money through lost sales.
Think about it, if you aren't building a list and allowing your customer base to directly connect and communicate with you, your competitor is.. stop losing money today!
P.P.S. I am shouldering ALL risks, so you have absolutely no reason to hesitate. I want you to be successful, and to eliminate any risks involved, I am offering a full 60 day money back guarantee that protects your purchase giving you the opportunity to 'try it before you buy it'. Not satisfied, simply contact me for a full refund for up to 60 days!
P.P.P.S. It’s easy to get started right away. You can have immediate access to this incredible all inclusive guide to email marketing!
(c) Copyright - All Rights Reserved - Email Profits Formula
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