Life Changing Opportunity Seekers...The Simple Step-By-Step Formula For "Making Cash With iPad Apps" For Non-Techies!
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To:Life Changing Opportunity Seekers...
From: Sascha Stein
Dear Entrepreneur,
Unless you've been living under a rock the past few years, I'm sure you have heard about it. Everyone is talking about it and it's at the top of everybody's shopping list!
It's the Apple iPad! No matter what version...
Yes, the iPad has been out for some time now and this amazing piece of technology is taking the world by storm! But, the coolest thing about it from a entrepreneur's point of view has to be...
The opportunity to rake in a TON of money selling your own iPad Apps!
As iPad sales sky rocket, so does the demand for (and sales of) iPad apps shoot through the roof! iPad owners are eating up Apps like there is no tomorrow!
The iPhone as you also know also, is still one of the hottest selling phones in the industry today. With easy access to the Apps Store, anyone with an iPhone is able to browse, buy and download applications, games, tools, etc, right from their phone.
iPhone Apps can be as cheap as .99c to download which may not seem a lot, but when 1000 people buy, you're in for a nice payday. Early iPhone app developers made and still make a fortune this way from their app sales.
And the iPad is heading in the same direction!
Anytime there is a massive new trend, demand always outweighs the supply! And this current iPad scenario is a classic case of this.
Just like the "Gold Rush" of the old west, those who are "selling the shovels" are getting RICH big time! This means a serious opportunity to cash in on this growing craze and demand for iPad apps!
But I know what you're thinking...
"Do I Need To Be An iPad Expert Or Total Tech-Geek To Be Able To Create And Sell An iPad App?!"
The short answer is "No!" You don't! Not anymore!
Up until now, there was very little info about how to create and market iPad Apps. You did need to be a tech geek to know how to build apps or spend a fortune to get one bult for you. Information was very limited and was also very expensive!
But it's a totally different story today!
Now you CAN get all the info you need to be able to create and sell your own iPad application even if you don't know a thing about programming or much about the iPad itself...and make a LOT of coin doing it!
I've put it all together in a simple-to-follow e-course so you can be one of the first through the door of this opportunity and claim your stake of iPad Apps Cash!
The Simple Step-By-Step Formula For "Making Cash With iPad Apps" For Non-Techies!
What you will learn inside the iPad App Cash Forumla e-course:
iPad Apps Introduction: Become an instant expert on the iPad and iPad Applications market so you know exactly what will fly off the Apps store shelves.
How to Build Your First App: Get the A - Z about researching, building your App yourself (or outsource for pennies) and submitting your new App step-by-step!
User Manual Creation Tips: Get the blueprint for creating simple user manuals for all your buyers so they will know how to use your newly built app.
"Best Seller" App Creation Secrets: Discover how to build a quality, fun app that everyone will want to buy, pushing it to the top of the ranks!
My Fast App Approval Technique: The surefire way to get your app reviewed and approved for the market as quickly as possible with no delay.
App Marketing Secrets: Get "insider info" on how to market your app even further for more exposure that can double or triple your profits!
Seen Enough?
"Yes, I'm Ready To Get Started!"
Believe it or not, putting an App on the market is much easier than you think - and it isn't limited to "big corporate guys". Anyone can submit and sell an App! You don't need any special licence or permission.
You actually don't even need to know anything about programming, about iPads or about marketing in general to get an app created and selling on the market.
The other big benefit is that you don't need a lot of money to pay for iPad app development. I know it seems like an expensive venture, but I assure you it's super affordable to create apps.
This is an amazing opportunity if you're looking at starting an online business or adding an extra income stream to your existing one. And if you're really trying to capitalize on the "iPad boom", the time to do it is now! Those who get their app in stores first will be a step ahead in the race for money.
It doesn't matter how old you are, your educational background or business experience. I have seen teenagers make a fortune from Apps and they're not even out of high school yet. It's really that easy!
You'll find everything you need to know to become "the next iPad App tycoon" with the simple steps inside the "iPad App Cash" ecourse...
MODULE 1: iPad App Introduction
In this module you'll get a crash-course on how the iPad and Apps works, the many features etc. You'll also get a peek inside the App market to familiarize yourself with how everything works. This is a great starting point for developing new ideas for creating "hot selling" iPad Apps.
This is where all the fun begins!
MODULE 2: App Ideas & Planning
The brainstorming stage!
There are several different ways to predict if the app you put on the market will be a 'winner' or a 'flop'...
This is the most crucial stage because you don't want to spend a lot of time or money creating and marketing something that didn't have any potential in the first place.
The most important step is inside this section!
MODULE 3: Developing Your App Yourself!
Yes, YOURSELF! You can most cetainly create the app yourself and I'm going to show every step in doing so...
You can also outsource the creation to an expert for very cheap if you prefer that. I'm giving away all my top resources!
You can be churning out profitable Apps left and right with little to no work at all!
MODULE 4: Selling The Socks Off Your App!
Once you've got your new killer app on the market, now it's time to WATCH THE CASH ROLL INby marketing the socks off of it!
Here I show you how to get as many eyeballs seeing your app as possible.
I have several ways of doing this and they're amazingly simple & CHEAP (if not FREE)!
All 4 Course modules come in .PDF format for easy and secure downloading, viewing and printing. Each module contains short and to the point information so you just get the meat - no fluff!
You'll find out all the things you wanted to know... from choosing an app that will sell, to getting it in front of the masses for a ton of recurring payments filling up your inbox.... and yes, this knowledge is applicable to ANY iPad version
But we're not stopping there!
BONUS: "Getting Started" .MP3 Audio Interview!
In addition to the PDf course modules, you'll get a 20 minute bonus MP3 audio to listen to right away!
In this audio, you'll hear James Brown interview James B. Allen and uncover things like...
The deadly pitfalls of App development and marketing you need to avoid...
An easy "kick start" strategy to launch your new app
And more insider App secrets from these two experienced marketers!
Are you ready to become the next iPad App guru with "iPad App Cash"?!
As I mentioned before, those who get moving fast on this opportunity and start selling their iPad Apps on the market NOW are going to come out with more cash than those who start later.
Don't waste anymore time! This rare window of opportunity won't be open much longer.
Right now, the iPad App market is still in it's infancy - but it's just a matter of time before more and more entrepreneurs and marketers (your competitors) see the potential to make a bucket load with iPad apps too.
So, get in now while competition is low and iPad apps are HOT!
I know the iPad app niche is quite new, so you probably have question and concerns. Before you commit to anything, you want to know exactly what you're "getting yourself into". That's why I am taking away all the riskwith my full money-back guarantee!
Your purchase is absolutely risk free. You can try "iPad Apps Cash" for a FULL 60 Days, and if you decide for any reason at all that it's not for you, just send me an email and I'll send you a refund right away. There's absolutely no risk on your part. All the risk is on me.
I know you see the potential for HUGE cash windfalls by selling your own apps in this billion dollar industry, and now you have no excuse NOT to follow your ideas and your dreams.
This course is exactly what you have been looking for! You can finally learn just how quick and simple it is to have your very own iPad App out there being downloaded by millions or users!
Imagine if your App becomes the next top selling hit that everyone starts raving about!?
What would that do for your income? For your future? A million App sales might change a few things, right? Even if you sell just a few thousand, would that help pay a few extra bills or pay for a nice vacation?
And the best part is you can do it all from your home computer in your spare time! You just need to know "what" and "how to do it" which is what you'll find in this course.
And of course, you need to ACT NOW before this boat sails! This really isn't rocket science... Get started today!
Get Instant Access Now!!
"Yes!I Want To Download The 4-Part "iPad App Cash e-Course"! I understand that I'll get all the information I need to take advantage of this 'time-sensitive' opportunity to make a LOT of money in the iPad apps market.
I understand I'll be getting instant access to:
All 4 Course modules in PDF format explaining how take an iPad app from idea to the market...
The BONUS Mp3 "Getting Started" audio interview where you'll hear insider info from two experienced App marketers..
And I'll recieve a 60 day money back guarantee so that my investment today is 100% risk free!
I will possess all the knowledge I need to go out there and create 'hot selling' iPad apps even if I know nothing at this stage...
I'm going to secure my copy TODAY by clicking the "Add to Cart" button right now!"
Usually $97 - Special Discount Price Just $47.95!
Your Partner In Success,
Sascha Stein
P.S. Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers! I'd hate you to miss out and be kicking yourself later when you see others who have made millions with iPad Apps. It could be you! Really, for such a tiny asking price and 60 day money back guarantee, you'd be crazy NOT to get this!
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