" Learn and Master Spanish, French, German, Italian or Japanese in 30 days FLAT - Even if You can't speak a word of it right now " If this is what you're looking for, then... ... " Here ' s how business professionals, tourists, & immigrants go from knowing only 1 language to being bilingual in record tim e... NOW you can TOO! " Dear Friend, Do you wish you could: - Speak Spanish, French, German, Japanese or Italian... like a pro - without having to pay thousands of dollars to attend a class or sit through hours of recordings that don't make any sense to you? - Become fluent in the language of your choice in just days from now? - Hold a long and thorough conversion with a Spaniard, Frenchman, German, and or an Italian and they understand every word that you say? - Speak a foreign language like it's your first language? If you said yes to any of these questions, then I have good news for you, because in ...